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Vol. 8 Issue 4


October 1986

  • Editor’s Report
  • Contributing Members
  • Society News
  • SOO News
  • 1986 Contest Winners
  • Letters
  • On The Drawing Board
  • Back Issues
  • Questions & Answers
  • Transfer Table
  • South Shore
  • “Hey Kid, You Wanna Go For a Ride?”
  • Soo Line 50-Ton Coaling Station Plans – Mellen, Wisconsin
  • The Blueberry Line Part 3

3 in stock


“Hey Kid, You Wanna go for a Ride?” By Nick Modders, Soo Line 50-Ton Coaling Station Plans- Mellen, WI. by Floyd Schmidt, The Blue berry Line Part 3

Weight .35 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.50 × .125 in