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Mileposts No. 30 Fall 2008


  • SLHTS Archives Collection Grows!
    • The Stevens Point Dispatcher’s Panels are the Latest Addition
    • Historic Equipment Preserved
  • Archives Fund Drive Off to a Good Start
  • A Pilot Snow Plow – by E. R. Lewis Asst. to GM DSS&A
  • The Rotary Here.  – Marquette Mining Journal, Monday, January 7, 1889
  • A Chance for a Trail.  – Marquette Mining Journal, Thursday, January 10, 1889
  • Archives Work Sessions Scheduled  – Larry Easton
  • Photos and diagrams:
    • Former Stevens Point dispatcher’s CTC panels from Stevens Point in Archives – not credited
    • DSS&A 4-6-0 No. 501 – Howard Peddle collection
    • DSS&A 2-8-0 No. 606 pilot – Wes Perron collection
    • Combined Pilot Snow Plow and Flanger diagram – no credit
    • DSS&A  No. 206 and No. 406 leading a special train. – C.T. Stoner collection

417 in stock

Weight .35 lbs
Dimensions 11 × 8.50 × .125 in