For U.S. addresses only.
As a regular member, you receive four issues of our quarterly magazine, the SOO delivered to your door at a reduced rate from the cover price and the privilege to vote at our annual meeting. If published, additional publications such as Mileposts may be included.
Please consider helping the SLHTS in these additional ways:
Donating to the Archives Building Fund: The Larry E. Easton Memorial SLHTS Archives play a vital role in the production of the SOO magazine. Annual costs maintenance costs are $13,600.
Donating to Archives Committee Fund: This goes to purchase supplies and equipment for the SLHTS Archives.
Donating Larry E. Easton Endowment Fund: Our goal is to build up and endowment for the archives to be self-supporting in the future.
Also of note is the Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Division membership option (which includes the quarterly newsletter).
Thank you for your membership!!
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